Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here's a job offer you can't resist. Forget The Apprentice folks. How about a 6 months job that pays AUSD150,000 as a "caretaker" for an island ?

Your duty? To promote the tourism industry of the GBF.

How? One of the selection criteria is you must be able to SWIM, is camera friendly, be able to speak and write good English. Yes people! Blog & vlog once a week. You are the ambassador for the GBF.

If you're trying to view their site, don't bother unless you don't mind refreshing every 2 minutes. Beach bums got off their well, bums to apply for this dream job/vacation that the site is not loading at all. :(

Since I read it minutes after it was posted, here's what you need to do. A Vlog(videolog) of yourself describing why you deserve the job. That my dears, is your job application "letter". Closing date is 22nd February.

The best part, you need not be "attractive/beautiful/pretty". Think Ian Wright, he's not good looking but he's one helluva host.

So people. Go Vlog it! :)


The Caretaker of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef is a newly created position. There are a few minor tasks that need to be taken care of, but the most important duty is to report back to Tourism Queensland (and the world) and let us know what’s taking place on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

Download the full Job Description

Find out more about the responsibilities of the job, employment benefits, selection criteria, and view the key dates. You can also read about the selection process, research how to apply, and get answers to frequently asked questions.


Below the water, you’ll find a World Heritage Listed natural wonder – the Great Barrier Reef. And above, the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef offer an abundance of wildlife to appreciate and activities to enjoy. The Island Caretaker will be based on Hamilton Island – the largest inhabited island in the region. It’s located just off the coast of Queensland with a wide range of restaurants, activities, shops and tours. The temperature is warm all year round and the combination of blue skies, crystal water and pure sands forms the backdrop to an ideal island life.

That's right. I'm gonna give it a try. Hee hee! :) Now who's got a camcorder so I can do a short video of myself. :D


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