Saturday, January 10, 2009

and again

I could be the most terribly honest person in the world, you'd hate me. Because I hate to hear again and again things like "you should have said something!" or "why didn't you tell me in the first place!?" or of cos the classic one "We're friends, you should of ...*insert*...".

And it is also because I've encountered a lot of people who instead of saying NO, they go with the flow. Even when it comes to ordering food for 2 person to be shared. And you end up biting your tongue cos you have to eat it alone (even after asking "Want to try this?" and s/he said yes!) and only to know I don't really take this kind of food cooked with blabla, allergy to blabla,makes me fat blabla.

Dining with me is easy. I can be picky but I'm fairly easy.

  1. I have table manners and I LOVE people with table manners. Don't pick your toes while talking to me, while we're eating, in an eatery etc. If you do, don't be surprised why I don't look at you at all.
  2. Why I have always preferred to have my own meal instead of sharing, people end up not eating their half because I said to try it out but dining partner REFUSE/FORGOT to tell me s/he is allergic/don't like to the food. Stupid no?
  3. I can eat almost anything (hello! Weight issues!) but when I don't want to eat/share/try something I'll say it. Let's not waste time persuading me to try something though I've said no. I hate wastage. I can feed the whole starving country for that.
  4. I miss out on spending time with girlfriends for sushi because they love eating at this particular sushi place. I don't want to spend RM50(est) a week for sushi I don't like.
  5. I'm a camper. I drank from the river loads of time. I ate from bones leftover before (starvation ok. There were 10 of us) I like to think I have a strong stomach. But if I do get stomach "bug" after consuming your food, I'll go back for a trial or two. If it happens again, why would I want to go back even after tolerating? *Refer to #4*
  6. I'm just bloody honest. *shrugs*
This post is not to offend anyone after that particular comment I made somewhere. Yes I'm a "foodie" but no, I don't get paid to make fantastic write up. And no, I'm not the government. I don't tell lies. Tee hee! ;)


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