Thursday, January 29, 2009

I meant to have a picture post but

my niece vea;

Vea: You said ten minutes. You're not putting barbie( on. Put it on. I'm scolding you now. I'm VERY angry now. Saying all that while taking off her pants & panties (sorry, too detailed but to watch the whole process is too funny) to go to the toilet.

Ok she's back. +_+


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slog it and win it! (Too cute to pass up/not blog)

Ninie, The Yoga Instructor is holding out a "contest".

It's as simple as filling up the dialogue to go with the photos posted on her blog here. I'd join but I'm too lame to win anything. Hahaha.

What will you win?

Cute ey? Contest ends 31st January. If you're lucky, you will get it in time for Valentines. So you'll have His & Hers Adidas jackets for yourself and your other half. ;)

Models not included.


I've warned you. Writers block. ha!

To Moo it all

Writers block warning

Yet again.

But I'm dearly happy that two of my favorite girls clicks! That rarely happen but I guess when you have one thing in common with the other new found friend, i.e bloody bullying me, everything will fall into place eh. Ha-ha.

To Mermaid and L1me. I seriously enjoy being the center of attraction. Your source of entertainment and the never ending butt of joke for you girls. Thanks I guess. Whatever makes you girls happy. Pbbfft!

I'm sorry my blog is turning into a text only/photo-less. I'll post some soon. Work on the 4th day of CNY. Gambate!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The little things

Celcom 3G Broadband is down. Yes it's working but I have been having more downtime than surfing time. Hence the lack of posts. It has been 2 months(?) that I have to draft posts or emails on Word before attempting to post anything. Its as pathetic as that. Forget the new millennium, say hello again to dial up.

My niece, Vea. She is only 4 but some days I wish she'll stay as a 2 year old. She dances, sings, watches too much music videos (MTV, [V], Hitz tv) and say things like "You're fabulous girlfriend!" or "Whatever." UGH, MTV Generation. Love it and hate it. When I say she can dance, we're talking Beyonce booty shake. I could cry and laugh every time she does it. Thank God she still prefer Playhouse Disney. I rather that she goes outside and chase the dogs away or the chickens than dance like Beyonce. Really.

My brother, Chai. He's turning 15 in a week time. Already showing signs of demanding privacy. Preferring to stay home instead of going out with the sisters. Now he's at the age to look good. He asked if he could join me for for gym, futsal(indoor soccer) and anything outdoor related. I dread the day when I have to give him the B&B talk. Yep, Bird and the bees. Apparently, it seems that I'm the only who can speak to him about these things. Any male volunteers to do that for me please?

My sister, Indi. She's in boarding school. A smart girl. Sometimes too smart for her own good. She loves water. The beach, the pool and such. Wouldn't mind climbing trees if it's fun kinda girl. Reads too much book. Cathy Cassidy to my Vogue magazine. Artistic but shy. Making fun of my Bahasa Malaysia is her part time duty. So does Chai.

These are the little things that keeps me sane and drives me crazy.

Totally random post. Heh

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here's a job offer you can't resist. Forget The Apprentice folks. How about a 6 months job that pays AUSD150,000 as a "caretaker" for an island ?

Your duty? To promote the tourism industry of the GBF.

How? One of the selection criteria is you must be able to SWIM, is camera friendly, be able to speak and write good English. Yes people! Blog & vlog once a week. You are the ambassador for the GBF.

If you're trying to view their site, don't bother unless you don't mind refreshing every 2 minutes. Beach bums got off their well, bums to apply for this dream job/vacation that the site is not loading at all. :(

Since I read it minutes after it was posted, here's what you need to do. A Vlog(videolog) of yourself describing why you deserve the job. That my dears, is your job application "letter". Closing date is 22nd February.

The best part, you need not be "attractive/beautiful/pretty". Think Ian Wright, he's not good looking but he's one helluva host.

So people. Go Vlog it! :)

The Caretaker of the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef is a newly created position. There are a few minor tasks that need to be taken care of, but the most important duty is to report back to Tourism Queensland (and the world) and let us know what’s taking place on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

Download the full Job Description

Find out more about the responsibilities of the job, employment benefits, selection criteria, and view the key dates. You can also read about the selection process, research how to apply, and get answers to frequently asked questions.


Below the water, you’ll find a World Heritage Listed natural wonder – the Great Barrier Reef. And above, the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef offer an abundance of wildlife to appreciate and activities to enjoy. The Island Caretaker will be based on Hamilton Island – the largest inhabited island in the region. It’s located just off the coast of Queensland with a wide range of restaurants, activities, shops and tours. The temperature is warm all year round and the combination of blue skies, crystal water and pure sands forms the backdrop to an ideal island life.

That's right. I'm gonna give it a try. Hee hee! :) Now who's got a camcorder so I can do a short video of myself. :D

Monday, January 12, 2009

When there's no where else to look

Uninspired I went on to another old blog of mine. A blog that I keep away from people I know (that includes you). A virtual hideout from the virtual world. This was back in 2005. And it pleases me like no other man can. Seriousss

Cecil Rajendra on the publication (or not) of his so-called controversial book.

Exercpts from The Sun - Poetic reasons, acidic rhyme

I began to believe that writing could make a difference and that every true artist has a duty to bear witness and speak out, no matter what the cost.

How can it be published in a country that is so sexually uptight that it views homosexuality as a threat to the nation. Incidentally, I have never quite figured out how a gay minister is a greater threat to the nation than a corrupt minister.

When I was 12 or 13, I had made up my mind to be a writer. So I packed up this gurkha duffel bag with romantic notions of hitch-hiking to Rome to make my name as a writer in some garret. When my parents discovered my bag, I was given a sound thrashing. After finishing law, this laidback lifestyle could not continue as I had to earn my keep. I took whatever job I could - as cook, postman, factory hand, etc - and when I had a bit of
money saved up, tramped around Europe writing, reading, visiting galleries, etc. Basically I was like a sponge with eyeballs hanging out, soaking everything.

Because I have yet to meet an honest politician. I am not saying this rare species doesn't exist, just that I have not met one yet. Let us be honest, the majority of politicians nowdays are nothing more than self-serving opportunists. In my more cynical moments, I think that to be a really successful politician in the 21st century, you need to be completely corrupt and more than a little retarded.

Now we have this anti-smoking Tak Nak campaign which is equally futile ... smokers will smoke whatever the price.

As I grow older
I grow wilder not wiser
I respect nothing
Do not talk to me of the temperance of middle-aged men
I have consigned Caution to the

The great mind of Cecil Rajendra. Mental fingering at its best. I laughed and smiled. ahh, I should read more.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

and again

I could be the most terribly honest person in the world, you'd hate me. Because I hate to hear again and again things like "you should have said something!" or "why didn't you tell me in the first place!?" or of cos the classic one "We're friends, you should of ...*insert*...".

And it is also because I've encountered a lot of people who instead of saying NO, they go with the flow. Even when it comes to ordering food for 2 person to be shared. And you end up biting your tongue cos you have to eat it alone (even after asking "Want to try this?" and s/he said yes!) and only to know I don't really take this kind of food cooked with blabla, allergy to blabla,makes me fat blabla.

Dining with me is easy. I can be picky but I'm fairly easy.

  1. I have table manners and I LOVE people with table manners. Don't pick your toes while talking to me, while we're eating, in an eatery etc. If you do, don't be surprised why I don't look at you at all.
  2. Why I have always preferred to have my own meal instead of sharing, people end up not eating their half because I said to try it out but dining partner REFUSE/FORGOT to tell me s/he is allergic/don't like to the food. Stupid no?
  3. I can eat almost anything (hello! Weight issues!) but when I don't want to eat/share/try something I'll say it. Let's not waste time persuading me to try something though I've said no. I hate wastage. I can feed the whole starving country for that.
  4. I miss out on spending time with girlfriends for sushi because they love eating at this particular sushi place. I don't want to spend RM50(est) a week for sushi I don't like.
  5. I'm a camper. I drank from the river loads of time. I ate from bones leftover before (starvation ok. There were 10 of us) I like to think I have a strong stomach. But if I do get stomach "bug" after consuming your food, I'll go back for a trial or two. If it happens again, why would I want to go back even after tolerating? *Refer to #4*
  6. I'm just bloody honest. *shrugs*
This post is not to offend anyone after that particular comment I made somewhere. Yes I'm a "foodie" but no, I don't get paid to make fantastic write up. And no, I'm not the government. I don't tell lies. Tee hee! ;)