Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Virgin Way

I seriously fell off the radar didn't I. Said I will write more but the complete opposite happened. Reading up blogs purely for work. Brainstorming to write but perhaps with the lack of nicotine and coffee, everything turned hazy and *cough* dull. Or perhaps I'm over thinking and pretend to function like an artist. Uninspired without her creative juice(s).

*blows an imaginary smoke*

What should I do? 

Social media took over my life mostly for work. Its easier to post thoughts over Twitter but with that said my thoughts never made it to 140 letters . I am mostly on Instagram but its private because I like to pretend I am a mysterious and private person. The need to visualize without having to say much or anything at all is easy. The photos are my responsibility but the caption is yours to assume.

We have become so connected in the world through the internet but fail to connect as human. Laughs turned into haha-s or LOL. A real coffee stained toothy smile are replaced with emojis and lastly conversation goes dead with "last seen 2 hours ago." We subconsciously turned and accept ourselves for being rude individuals leaving conversation without a proper thank you or speak to you later politeness. We rely on the blue double check read sign as an acknowledge receipt instead of calling to confirm.

Let's start again. 

Hi, my name is Edrie. Just a writer blogger someone who has been recording her thoughts in words and photos online since 2002-2003. I enjoy taking photographs and uttering profanity in the most creative way. An introvert working in an extrovert industry. A glutton trying to lift weights and squat my gluteus maximus hard. I love my dogs and the sea. I speak too soft and mumble my thoughts in fake accent(s) pretending I only function after coffee.

If you are still here, drop a comment. If you are also stalking me, then you do you. Go mysterious bat-shit on me and don't tell me you're reading this. It makes my life easier knowing no one reads my inane ramblings.

Lastly, I am only responsible for what I write and not for what you understand. 


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