Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Accident happens. Right?

As always, life changing event in your life will somehow pull the plug on something or turn the switch on another. 

I haven't said a word about the car accident couple of days ago other than, damnit! I have to admit it was scary at the same time woah. 

While the car goes in for fixing, I should be doing the same. I'll be back after the overhaul.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011


  • My obscene obsession with Godiva chocolate.

  • Watching many sunsets alone with myself and Frankie (the D80, mind you).

  • Quiet coffee time with a book + thrashy magazine sans the cigarette.

  • Endless hours in bed watching reruns of movie on HBO.

  • Spending hours online, browsing without guilt.

  • Buying high heels because I adore it and ended up never wearing them.

  • Red hair.

  • Drinking coke like its water because I want and I can.

  • Buying a ticket to fly out the next day because I can afford it.

  • Eating supper at 3.00am and not worry about gaining weight.

  • 4 hours of sleep for the last 48 hours because partying sounds better than sleeping.

  • Saying YES! to every party invitation and standing still at the end of the night (4.00am).

  • Yelling NO! because I don't have to follow someone else lead.

  • Random road trip because time was never an issue.

  • Sunbathing because I worship the sun.

  • Dancing on tables because I think I own the club.

  • Drinking and driving cos' I am damn sure I can make it home in one piece. *touch wood*

  • My tongue-stud because they thought I was sex-deprived.

  • Being the only girl among the boys. 

  • bitching about the cigarette price hike. ha!

  • big family reunions

  • dinner with the girlfriends

  • pillowtalk and cuddles

  • Ghetto, my cat.

  • playing the guitar 

  • camping with a tent underneath the stars

  • outdoor sexsions

  • Hoegaarden

  • levi's.

I miss me.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Stupid 27

They said quit while you're still on top. I don't get it though. When you are dead, you will be buried 6 feet deep, down on the ground. 

What a way to be remembered. 

Kurt said it best 

"it's better to burn out than to fade away."
 Rest in peace, Amy Winehouse

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Flower power

They came in thousands. Armed with batons, tear gas and hate. 

photo credit hugo teng

She came along with the thousand hopefuls like her armed with her voice, hope and a flower. She came in peace, wanted to only be heard and stood for her rights. Probably 65 years old, a teenager when Malaya found its Independence in 1957.

She was hosed down, tear gassed and obviously shut off. Hundreds like her arrested. Hundreds like her fell on the ground, beaten up, kicked shamelessly while others could only watch. 

Hundreds kneel on the ground prayed for freedom to speak.

Labelled as hooligans, a nuisance and rebels. 

Why won't they just listen..

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ignorance is bliss

Ignore the onlookers. Be you.
Dance like nobody's watching;
Love like you've never been hurt.
Sing like nobody's listening
Live like it's heaven on earth.

If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt oh dear
Cause here we are, Here we are
Here we are
We're still here
What a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Arrivals

Image from Roxy.Com
I have been the biggest procrastinator of all time. Having so much to think about at a go slow me down. Now its decisions based upon hopefully good judgement. Before its go even if its a red light.

Stop at nothing to get whatever I want. Want it, go for it and get it. End result is much like a Tequila shot aftertaste. Good hit with a sour note.

I've got some things listed down on the "Bucket List". I've had enough of whining and waiting, it's time to jump off the cliff and swim the current.

On another note, oh Bali how I miss thee. 
Ah gearing in into blogging again is weird. I swear I have somewhere between 20-30 drafted blogs that never seen the published end.

Yikes, this post takes forever to end. lol =x

Until next time! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Part Deux

If I could put words into sentences and draft a story of it, I would but sometimes nothing will do but silence. I'm sitting at then end of a table where 5 others are enjoying moonshine courtesy of the the Man's brewing (or fermentation?) It taste good though. Plus, learning something new never fails to amuse me. ;)

I hate to go into details cos that would just spur it into something completely different. 

For all I know right now, life is as how you ride it.

Be it luxurious or simple or just walking it. You do it your style, your way, anyway you like it.

Be you. Be yourself. Don't just live, live it up!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Love Me

 I love my eyes. I love my teeth. I love my lips. I love my cheeks. I love my feet. I love my hands. I love my gate. I love my nose. I love my ears. I love my belly. I love my butt. I love my tongue. I love my toes. I love my elbows. I love my muscles. I love my knees. I love my taste. I love my smile. I love my hair. I love my back. I love my bones. I love my veins. I love my  dick vagina. I love my pancreas. I love my lungs. I love my larynx. I love my sweat. I love my shoulders. I love my blood. I love my moles. I love my art. I love my moves. I love my spine. I love my skin. I love my height. I love my lobes. I love my liver. I love my shins. I love my neck. I love my tits. I love my thighs. I love my ankles. I love my thoughts. I love my soul. I love my music. I love my pride.

& I love you.

via Jason Mraz

Monday, February 28, 2011

A comeback

Perhaps things have been a little too intense for me that I forgot to stop and smell the "roses". Such is life when things goes a little too fast, you slip and lose your balance and fall on your knee. Everything looks different from that angle. The grass feels like carpet and your legs don't hurt that much.

Things are moving into a different direction now, unintentionally intended. Change is always good.