Thursday, November 11, 2010

Scuba diving - everyone? ;D

Hello! My oh my I have been away haven't I? Work is too much fun!

How many of you can say that? It's only been a month of working in the new place but I am very much excited still. So much things to learn and everyday *although I do get my moment* I learn something new. There are stuff that I do know already but I don't like to assume I know it all. ALWAYS ask- just to be sure.

Its rather obvious that I am still very much vain hence the "oh someone snapped my picture while I was being emo" pose. Almost worked eh?

The vain picture is me from my seat in the office. :) I like how I managed to get the PADI logo in the picture. Cool!

FYI, I am now a S&M Exec for a dive company - We are PADI, SDI, TDI, IANTD and BSAC affiliated dive operator. From learning how to dive, try dives, rebreathers courses - we are able to meet your diving needs. We run our day trip dives along the West Coast of Sabah. We visit Pulau Tiga, Usukan WWII Wreck and Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park islands for our day trip dives. With 25 > GPS dives sites, you are most likely to be the only one diving (other than your dive buddy and divemaster of course) in the water. If you are interested in getting certified and conquering the underwater world, then let me know.

I think it's funny, I keep seeing these bumper stickers on a daily basis. Make me smile :)

"If you think you're perfect, try walking on water".

Fine, I do know scuba diving isn't exactly walking on water. :P


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