Saturday, April 11, 2009

4 Da Tush

This is an e-mail correspondent between me and a friend. I'm cleaning my inbox but couldn't delete all our emails cos they're just freaking funny. *sigh* Those were the days and he lives all the way in Cali. Now we're old and too busy to keep up with anyone. =( Sad but true. Anyways, I found the "25 reasons" somewhere and emailed it to Da. This was back in 2004. His replies are obviously those in bold.

1. Saying "I love you" before, during or after sex doesn't count.
---Blackmailing us for sex does not make us feel loved either.

2. When we ask you how we look, "fine" is not an appropriate answer.
---Do you want honest or do you want bubbly answers?

3. We obsess over whether you'll call from the moment we give you our
---So why are we the one always expected to call ? You got a phone use it.

4. We fantasize. But it's usually about you.
---ermmmm...right..... LEZBO!!!

The image above is the subject of "drool session" for Da & me. And to just show to him I am still the Infiniti LZB69 of

5. We love it when you email us at work.
---about what? we talk on the phone every freakin' day

6. No matter how cool we seem about it, if you did something bad, we're
pissed off.
---shiet I learned that one a long time ago

7. Don't patronize us by asking if our bad mood is because of PMS.
---LOL that can't be helped.

8. Don't ever tell us what to do, even when we ask you to.
---But it's ok for you guys to do it to us?

9. We will leave you if you lie to us.
---Then don't ask me how you look. catch 22

10. We're unimpressed by men who don't take the lead. Be a man, dammit!
---If you move outta my way and let me. And don't bitch at me if things don't go right cuz no one's perfect.

11. We love when you hold our hands.
---I do that, no biggie.

12. We need to hear how you feel about us. Tell us right now. And again in
ten minutes.
--- High maintenance

13. We want to be the best thing that ever happened to you -- and for you
to know it.
--- Then you better know how to cook, clean, give it up, don't nag or bitch, compliment us, and spit us out some decent looking kids.

14. If we don't feel loved, we'll start looking elsewhere.
--- then give it up more often.

15. Don't talk about your ex. Ever.
--- Ditto

16. We like porn, too.
--- Great!!! *pulls out massive porn collection* lets get started.

17. We remember everything about our relationships. Yes, everything.
--- Unfortunately you do.

18. We let you fix things.
--- We let you clean things.

19. You're sexiest when you're: sweating, driving, shaving, or holding a
---You're the sexiest when you're wet, naked, in bed, and horny. All at once would be ecstasy

20. We've faked it.
--- That's fine cuz we don't =P

21. Groping and foreplay are not the same thing.
--- Tapping my nuts and kicking me off the bed isn't either. <--LOL..this joke never gets old Da!

22. While we're on the subject: more foreplay!
--- Dress up like a school girl and we'll get started.

23. If we're not having sex it's because: we feel fat; we don't feel very
close to you, or we are punishing you for not doing something our way.
--- Then don't blame us if we look else where or if we stare at girls.

24. We're afraid to meet your mother.
--- We're afraid to meet your dad and your brothers.

25. We think you should have already known all this stuff.
--- If we were mind readers we would have.


  1. LOL forgot all about that. After reading it all over again, it still holds true. =)

  2. that's for making me remember too many different URL.
