Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Weekend

Today was one of those normal weekend. Early morning mass at 7.30am and followed by the favorite thing of the day, breakfast. A nice hearty breakfast that gets me going throughout the day. 

Next in plan would be mountain biking (MTB) if its not raining. For the first time ever, I will be riding with a bigger group just for fun. Level 5 MTB riding up Inobong Powerstation/Lampaki trail. I think I've been on the bike like 5 times so far - in total. So my lame "performance" is expected as uphill cycling takes a lot of serious training before I can completely tackle the ride without passing out every 50m 30m. And today's ride was no difference. 

Seeing others cycle up without a hiccup, I felt challenged. So I pushed myself up until I could hardly paddle and what more breathe. I love to compete with myself. :)

I made it up to where I last stopped. Panting and hell, all I had wanted was to sit down and not move. EVER.AGAIN.

Luckily, my buddy rider (a 13 year old) was too tired to continue. The Man and I decided it was time to turn back.

Hitting max speed of 56kmph downhill, The Man was surprised that I'm brave enough for so. I have no idea how he does 70kmph.

Back at home, which is not too far from the main road. We were looking out to see if the group have returned from cycling. At around 6.15pm, an ambulance drove by with the lights on but no siren. 

I could feel the chills in me. I keep telling myself it's not one of the group. Just someone from the area - sick or something. 

Unfortunately not.

A rider was having difficulty breathing and "his heart just stopped" said a friend.

In a heartbeat (no pun intended) you kind of ask yourself "is he breathing now?" A stupid question but you would want that.

I may not know you. I don't even know how you look like. I won't know your name until the next few days. Rest in eternal peace rider. 



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